What is SEMrush?
SEMrush is one of the world’s most popular search engine optimization (SEO) tools today. It is an all-in-one tool suite built to improve your company’s overall online visibility and helps make key marketing insights for your business. SEMrush also specializes in keyword research, pay-per-click (PPC), social media, competitor analysis, and Google Ad campaign optimization.
SEMrush also helps you identify trends within your company’s industry niche and allows you to understand your webpage more intimately and optimize its layout for SEO optimization. It’s a vital tool for any business that is serious about its digital marketing campaign.

Key Features
- Organic Research:
SEMrush’s original key feature, organic research, is still a leading marketing tool that enables you to get critical insights and valuable data from your competitors. By putting your competitor’s website into SEMrush, you instantly receive a load of helpful metrics. They Include:
- Keywords:
- This is the total number of keywords a site ranks for.
- Traffic
- This metric estimates how much monthly traffic that site gets from a total of all search engines. This metric serves as an excellent way to benchmark your competitor’s SEO.
- Traffic Cost
- Traffic cost estimates how much the site’s organic traffic is worth. This metric is highly beneficial and highly relevant according to many experts because it considers website traffic and the monetary value of that traffic, therefore giving the most insight.
- Organic Search Positions
- This metric lets you see all the keywords that a site ranks for and where they rank! This can be especially helpful when doing keyword research. This can easily save loads of time compared to having to parse through the Google keyword planner. SEMrush also automatically shows you which keywords bring that competitor site the most traffic. You can also search/sort by volume within the SEMrush data interface and see which keywords get searched most often.
- Traffic Analytics
- This metric gives you valuable data on a website’s overall website traffic. This is a very useful feature because it can help you get a helpful benchmark of where your company’s site is at vs. your competitors. You can also gain valuable insight into how people interact with that site, including bounce rates, average page views, session duration, and more.
There are even more amazing features, but those are some key ones to be aware of.
Why Should You Use it?
Better Understand Your Site’s Performance
Typically, there is a significant lag time to show results when you begin running an SEO campaign for a site. SEMrush is so valuable because it gives you accurate, real-time insight into your campaign’s performance at any point during the campaign.
It shows you clearly whether you see an increase or decrease in your site’s web traffic. This is an invaluable insight if you’re serious about increasing your website’s overall web traffic and brand visibility. SEMrush also lets you know if your keywords are ranking better or worse compared to your competition.
Know Your Competition
When you run an SEO campaign, a significant part of the process is monitoring your competition and gaining a competitive advantage. With SEMrush, you can learn which keywords are helping or hurting your competition’s strategy and then use the most impactful ones for your own campaign. It’s pretty simple. The better you know your competition, the more successful your company will be
You’ll Gain Valuable Backlinks
Backlinks are a crucial part of your site’s online presence. These are links you receive from authority sites that help generate trust in your website. The more backlinks you receive from reputable, well-respected sites, the more Google trusts your site. SEMrush enables you to see where you can earn these valuable backlinks if you aren’t already obtaining them from specific authority sites. You can also see which backlinks your competitors are currently getting and harness this knowledge to improve your own strategy.
There are so many reasons to use SEMrush to improve your business. You gain a better understanding of your own site’s performance. You always get current, accurate data on all your competitors’ sites and keywords. And you are given countless tools to boost your site’s overall visibility, traffic, and ultimately your business’s revenue and success! In today’s day and age, your success depends on the quality of your data and information. With SEMrush, you get the best data in the game to take your business to new heights!